
Cinematic Trailer for the Book ICESPY

Cinematic Trailer for the Book INSIDE THE COLD WAR

About the Author

normNorman L. Miller’s riveting first novel is based on an all-too-true story that unfolded in the late eighties and early nineties when the KGB attempted to abduct the author while on a seemingly innocent goodwill mission to Latvia. He had to be hidden, taken to Estonia and smuggled across the Baltic Sea to safety. It’s just the right kind of folder for a sports-spy-thriller.

Cold War history was made in Riga, Latvia when the Soviet Minister of Sports made an astonishing statement at a press conference he and Miller held to announce that the Soviet Bobsled Team would visit Lake Placid to take part in the 10th anniversary of the 1980 Olympic Games.  When asked: Who invited the Americans to the Soviet Union, the Minister of Sports responded: I did not invite the Americans. The Latvian Socialist State debated for three months about how to handle the invitation and they made the decision to invite the Americans without first seeking permission from Moscow. It is believed that this was the first public statement made by a Soviet Official that Latvia would no longer be under Moscow’s rule! The Minister of Sports was later executed for crimes against the Soviet government.

Associated Press reporter Chris Carola didn’t know how prophetic he was when he wrote in a 1990 wire story: “The words are straight out of a spy novel: disinformation, Swiss bank accounts, rendezvous with the Russians, cash transactions that can’t be traced… dangerous international activity where one wrong move can spell disaster – or death.” He was referring to the turmoil surrounding the U.S. Bobsled Federation and he hit the target… dead on.

Documentary About the Author...


A novel that is CHILLING TO THE BONE

Fiction often mirrors truth. And you get just as close as you want to be to non-fiction in this fast-paced novel that turned the turmoil surrounding the U.S. Bobsled Federation into shocking international intrigue. The pace is faster than a sled on ice and it races from Lake Placid, New York to the burrow of the CIA at Langley, Virginia to rebelling Latvia and its ancient rift with the Soviet Union during the final days of the Cold War. It’s scary enough to set even a seasoned CIA agent’s hair on end.

Pacific Books says....

"This is a book written for those who enjoy mysteries, thrillers, espionage tales and suspense. The novel does a great job of ramping up the tension and the mystery as time goes on, and what readers will immediately see is that there is an equal amount of attention spent on character growth as there is plot. The reader is treated to a great amount of dialogue between characters, which helps to flesh out these various individuals and the relationships they develop with one another.

A novel of intrigue and drama set against a Cold War Era world, author Norman L. Miller’s IceSpy is a one-of-a-kind and classic tale of spies and mysteries set within the theater of world sporting events. Be sure to grab your copy of the book today and discover for yourselves the edge of your seat thrills and compelling suspense which this book immediately grabs the reader with."

A novel that is difficult to put down once you begin to read

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 Inside the Cold War....

Inside cover“No interruptions please,” as you read about the CIA smuggling U.S. Bobsled coach, Shawn Murphy back into the Soviet Union to retrieve documents containing technology that would give Americans superior naval power.

Experience thrills, chills and romance as a risky mission turns into a disaster after Murphy locates the documents, but is doubled crossed and becomes stranded behind the Iron Curtain with no clear plan to escape.

Other twists to this fast-paced novel takes the reader from Lake Placid, New York to Langley, Virginia to Leningrad, USSR as the FBI and CIA attempt to dissolve the Mafia’s connection to the Olympic sport of bobsled.

The CIA has a serious predicament. They can’t let the Soviets capture Murphy and get the technology, but… could they afford to take a chance on another international incident?

Intrigue begins on the first page and continues throughout the novel to the very end!

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Email: nmiller @